Emran: 11 month old, third week

Emran dah boleh tepuk tangan. Kalau nyanyi tepuk amai2 dia tepuk. Kalau nyanyi cak ce ko udang gamit atau versi Kelate cak ce ko ude gamit . Hehehe. Yeah!!! Comel.. Lepas nie nak ajar "Mana mulut?" "Mana hidung?". Itulah nikmat bila ada anak kecik  Tapi ada penat especially dah pandai panjat, merangkak, kutip benda kecik masuk mulut. Nie belum jalan lagi. Kalau dah berjalan.. Masya'allah...

Ask your baby "Where is your mouth?" this week, and chances are he'll touch his own. Most 11-month-olds can respond to simple questions by pointing to the named object. Your baby can also follow simple instructions: tell him you want a kiss and he might just give you one. Many can babble in short sentences that sound like a foreign language, too. Keep talking to your child, naming and labelling objects and people. The more you do, the faster his vocabulary will grow.
